Release Notes
We're continuously making improvements and enhancements to the platform as we strive to provide the most pleasant music rights administration experience.
Module: Enhanced Lyric Editor
System: Fixed Product Tour bug
Module: Fixed First Registration Feedback bug
Registration(s): Fixed SESAC Status resulting in invalid registration status
Registration(s): Introduced Processing status for SESAC works
Registration(s): Enhancement to SESAC registration process
Module: Streamlined MP3 creation process.
Module: Display SESAC Account # for Publishers & Writers
Registration(s): Added SESAC Work IDs to Registration Complete emails
Module: Fixed pick link when adding/searching contacts
Module: Fixed issue with SoundExchange Setup Feed dialog
Module: Fixed dropdown issue for suspended accounts
Module: Fixed dropdowns in wrong columns on Bulk Works Template
System: Label deleted contacts as contacts deleted.
Validation: Fixed validation to reject empty recording title with space detection
System: Removed upgrade link for Enterprise plans
System: Added upgrade confirmation page
Module: Locked Catalog Number field for Recordings
Module: Locked Release Date field for Recordings
Module: Bulk only accepts .xlsx files
Module: Leave Release Track # Unlocked when Recording is registered
Module: Automatically add Track # to Releases as they are added
Module: Provide feedback when user saves account profile
Module: Provide feedback when user saves account profile picture
Module: Fixed Copyright Information field alignment issue
Registrations: Batch US PRO Registrations
Validation: Performs at the start of registration process
Module: Fixed alignment issue with contact role sections
Module: Added Account upgrade option to system
Module: Disable Recording Registration while duration being determined
Registrations: Improved handling of Original Work is No
Module: Added Copyright PA Tooltip
Module: Added validation to required fields on profile edits
Module: Fixed invalid Work IDs causing sever error
Module: Fixed issue preventing Conflict registrations to be resubmitted
Module: Improved Artists contact creation from Recording Dialog
Module: Fixed artist selection in Add Recording Dialog
Module: Improved error report for Bulk import columns missing
Registrations: Additional Enhancements to SESC registrations
Module: Added SoundExchange Registrant ID field to label contacts
Registrations: Enhanced SESAC registration logic
Registrations: Added SESAC registration w/ Recording information
Validation: Fixed Copyright Registration number validation
Module: Locked Bulk Work template's column titles
Validation: Fixed PRO validation
Registrations: Modernized SESAC registrations
Registrations: Added support for HFA Song codes for multiple publishers
Module: Added Copyright Registration # fields
Module: Fixed release info not showing on Recoding Registration summary
Module: Default Add Publisher to Group with role preselected
Registrations: Improved handling of unknown contributor role
System: Fixed issue with password recovery
System: Added ability for additional users to receive registration status emails
Validation: Enforce inclusion or exclusion of ISRCs for Work registrations
Module: Fixed issue with updating Work ID / HFA locked fields
Module: Resolved issue with link to Ad Recording
Module: Limit picture size limit to 30MB or less
Module: Increased Wav size limit to 100MB
Module: Implemented notification for audio file too large
System: Sub-Catalogs get same number of works as parent account
Module: Rescinding unpaid invoice after successful payment of recent invoice
Registration(s): Enhancement to ASCAP/BMI Automation process.
Module: Ability to Search Catalog by Contact Name, IPI, ISNI and Alias
Registration(s): Fixed ASCAP/BMI registration bug
Module: Fixed Recording Duration Detection
System: Updated system framework
Module: Enforce Work / Recording limits
Registration(s): Enhancement to HFA Automation
System: Made Tooltips sticky
Module: Implemented full Contacts Edits in Contact Module
Module: Added Biography field in Full Contact Edit
Module: Add Documents for individual Contacts
Registration(s): Enhancement to ASCAP/BMI Automation
Registration(s): Automated Portion of HFA process
Module: Disable Recording Delete button when Record not Eligible for deletion
System: Ability to add additional sub-catalogs at additional cost
Module: Added New Contacts question to Bulk Upload process
Module: Disabled delete icon for Releases which have been registered
Module: Allow changes to contacts if account is suspended
Module: Randomized Registration Feedback Questions
System: Implemented Operational task Automations
System: Deployed revamp user role system
System: Ability for existing TR Users to be invited to other TR accounts
Module: Added Role Tooltips
Module: Added resend invitation button
Module: Introduction Claim Rejection registration status
Module: Introduced Unison as a PRO selection
Module: Fixed Catalog Loader for Song Deletion
System: Moved Mechanical Only Registration to Business Plan
System: Enhanced system-wide handling of non-ASCII Characters
Module: Enhanced Logic of Mechanical Registrations
Module: Enhanced First Registration Feedback form
System: Business plan includes 1-sub catalog (More Info)
Module: U.S. Song Registration takes into account Mechanical Registration
Module: Made Sub-catalog a tab in Settings
Module: Display Sub-catalog full name
Module: Enhanced First Registration Feedback form
Module: Improved handling to Recording Registration for non-ascii characters
Module: Add Pay button next to unpaid invoices in payment history
System: Optimized the number of performance events in system tracking log
Module: Optimized DB Quries when editing songs
Module: Added progress indicator to Add Recording Dialog
Module: Had documents Tab for Release that predate feature
Module: Added progress indicator when uploading files to documents
Module: Relaxed track number validation in Release Details Form
Validation: Prevent IPI numbers that begin with 55 for BMI
Module: Enhanced Retrieving Catalog Data Performance
Module: Enforced label role requirement for DQI
Module: Improved DQI submission error handling
Module: Enabled Unlimited Release Artists for Catalog Management
Module: Optimization of retrieval of catalog data processes
System: Optimized search index performance enhancements
Module: Fixed bug preventing deletion of albums assets pre-documents (Preview)
Module: Fixed issue with Recording Details Pop-up losing data
Module: Fixed issue with Work Details not loading when multiple recordings exist
System: Optimized Work Details Data Changes Performance
System: Deployed Saving Work Performance Enhancement
Registrations: Introduce Audit log for Work registrations
Registrations: Character limit for Recording Artists on HFA Registrations
Registrations: Added Audit log for HFA Publisher for all new registrations
Registrations: Added HFA Account Number to Verify screen of registration process
Module: Added capability to delete folders in Documents
Registrations: Introduced Mechanical Only Registration (Details)
Module: Ability to delete folders in Documents
Module: Introduced HFA registration status Request Rejected
Module: Ability to delete individual files in Documents
Module: Fixed HFA Display Issue in Work Details
System: Increased Timeout duration to increase system stability
Registrations: Remove ASCII Characters from Work registrations
Registrations: Publisher share fix for co-publisher Work registrations
Registrations: Improved handling of Work Questions when Bulk Importing Work
Module: Change title of Bulk Import button
Module: Adjustment to Long-Name display
Module: Increased search visibility in Registration Status module
Module: Correct Edit Contact Lock Alignments
Module: Correct Lock alignments on Work Details
Module: Fixed Scrollbar in Registration Status module
System: Increase max upload limit
Validation: Relax ISRC Validation in Recording Details
System: Deployed Sub-Catalog Switcher for Business & Enterprise plans
Validation: Show Create Folder validation errors only after Create button click
Module: Enabled Documents Tab
System: Enhanced consistency of locks in the Contacts module
Module: Added Learn More to placeholder card for Document Quota
Registration: Fixed duration detection bug for recordings in excess of an hour
System: Enhanced consistency of locks within Release Details
System: Corrections made to signup page
Module: Add placeholder card in Services for Document Quota
System: Enhaned consistency of Locks throughout the system
System: Move to new AWS account for storage
Module: Enforcement of Plan Storage Limits
System: Enhancing consistency of Locks throughout the system
System: Replaced PdfLayer
Module: Edit Recording in Works Details leads to Recording Details for that Recording
System: Enhancing consistency of Locks throughout the system
Module: Implemented enhancement to Bulk Upload system
Module: Enhanced text presentation on registration certification screen
System: Lock presentation alignment
System: Enhanced presentation of Contact photos
Module: Improved presentation of filter in Registration when page optimized for mobile
Module: Improved handling of spaces when present in ISWC field
Module: Change table header in Registrations to Registration Record
Module: Introduced the ability to exclude ISRC validation for Work registrations
System: Enhnacement to presentation of Contact photos in App
Registration: Corrected directory ERN messages are delivered to for SoundExchange
System: Deployed Photo Upload Functionality
Registration: Enhance editing Recording in Work Registration Flow
Registration: Implemented 1st Registration Feedback dialog
Registration: Sends track version information with U.S. Recording Registrations
Module: Refined responsive design spacing in Contacts
System: Suspended Account registration buttons are disabled
System: Added Site Icon
Module: Fixed floating locks
Registration: Stopped sending registration data to Excatuals
System: Updated Scroller navigation library
Registration(s): Fixed sub-publisher share validation bug
System: Removed Contacts from application search
Validation: ISRC validation for only the primary recording when multiple present
Validation: Requires track number for release registrations
Registrations: Fixed bug preventing Recording Registrations from processing
Registrations: Work Registration flow now highlights when ISRC code is missing
Module: Enhanced text of contacts on Dashboard
System: Implemented photo size restrictions
System: Implemented Sub-catalog switch modal
Module: Activated Learn More buttons
Module: Removed header for bulk upload download
Module: Spacing enhancement for Catalog module for smaller displays
Module: Ability to edit contacts from Dashboard
Module: Fixed update unique identifiers functionality (Learn More)
Module: Credit Card dialog closes after credit card information updated
Module: Enable ability to search drop-down in credit card dialog
Module: Introduced ability to search within the Contacts module
Module: fixed typo in Work Details screen
Registration: Adds two leading zeros to short IPI numbers for HFA
Validation: Require publisher shares to be greater than 0
Validation: Fixed issue not allowing credit card details to be updated
Validation: Enforced Track # to be numerical and two digit integrate only
System: Linked help button to Help Center
System: Retitled Last Name / Alias to Performance Name / Alias
System: Deployed fix to address an issue when scrolling to bottom of catalogs
System: Contact dialog now prompts to Select Contact Type instead of Category
Module: Fixed typo on the question does this writer have a publisher
Module: Change Group Contact Company Name to be Company Name / Group
Module: Informs user past due amount will be charged when updating credit card
UI/UX: Fixed display of Summary table during ISRC registration process
Registrations: ISRC now reflect under Track Details during Work Registration flow
Registrations: Corrected Release registrations delivery issue
Registrations: Implemented ISRC assignment reporting to SoundExchange
Module: Fixed presentation of current plan and pricing to reflect annual / monthly
Module: Added Documents icon in Bulk Uploads for Status Report replacing hyperlink
UI/UX: Corrected issue with Export Catalog link overlapping on mobile devices
UI/UX: Corrected issue preventing expand menu bar option from showing
Module: Fixed suggested Contacts pick option in Add New Contact dialogs
Module: Corrected visual element outlining the Yes/No buttons in Work Details
Validation: Enhanced Recording Artist validation enforcement
Registration: Corrected misspelling of ISRC on Work Registration Summary screen
Module: Fixed issue resulting in crash when selecting Recording Artist
Registration: Fixed issue where HFA registrations occurred before PRO registration
Mobile: Fixed Export Catalog text overlapping on mobile devices
Mobile: Fixed drop down menu text not displaying properly
Mobile: Address display issues with Bulk Upload and Registration tables
Module: Introduce Add New Artist on Add Recording popup screen
Validation: Recording artist required when adding a Recording to a Work
Registrations: ISRC registration process now displays error messages
Module: Fixed issue prevent suggested contact from being able to be picked
System: Implemented JavaScript optimization
System: Removed default values from signup payment page
Module: Fixed In progress/Completed cursor issue
Module: Corrected color of My Registration results on Dashboard
Module: Corrected count display on Dashboard
Module: Fixed issue causing catalog to scroll up automatically
System: Change login page language to administer your rights
Registrations: Fixed spacing issues within registration flows
Module: Improved validation for physical release disc metadata
Registrations: Implemented communication of ISRC registration to SoundExchange
Registrations: Excludes disc information if no physical distribution
Registrations: Added TR Song Identifier to HFA email notifications
Registrations: Added song registration identifiers to registration complete emails
Contacts: Fixed bug with Pick option when system suggests a Contact
System: Added physical distribution question to database for Releases
System: Fixed issue causing password reset button to not function
System: Fixed issue preventing new account signups on MacOS Safari
Contacts: Resolved issue preventing Contacts module from loading
Module: Repositioned disc count and disc number fields
Registration: Enhanced Release registration summary for Meta data
Validation: Enhanced validation regarding physically distributed disc information
Billing: Fixed payment history information not displaying
System: Deployed NewUI
Registrations: Enhancement to HFA
Registrations: Enhancements to HFA to align with new registration processes
Validation: PRO is now required for in-module contact creations
Registrations: Authorization prompt implemented when valid HFA# entered
Registrations: Delay tasks to create HFA assets
Module: Email Notification of Registration Status
Module: Restored Add Artwork to all modules
Registrations: Removed SoundExchange Metadata exchange
Billing: Introduced Account Suspension
Registrations: Added Friday to weekly distribution of registrations to Music Report
Module: Add Ability to update unique identifier for musical works when locked
Billing: Balances are paid immediately upon credit card update
Billing: Fixed Billing & Payment History functionality in user profile
Module: Added Does New Contact have alias to In-Module Add Contact
Registrations: U.S. Song Registrations stays In Progress once process starts
Module: Adding New Song now opens a blank new song form
Module: Added Undo functionality to Bulk Import
System: Removed Add New Song from left hand menu
Validation: Removed ISRC requirement on front-end. Maintained on registrations
Module: Added New Recording in Song Details Pre-populates Recording Title
Module: Ability to scroll writer contact results within Song Details
Module: Restored Export Split Sheet button within Song Detail module
Module: Added ability to delete unregistered songs from Catalog
Validation: ISRC Required for Sound Recording linked to U.S. Song Registration
Module: Export Split sheets & CWR buttons hidden
Module: Locks HFA, Work ID and ISWC fields upon registration
Module: Registration shows recent registrations by default
Module: PRO is now required in order to save a writer contact
Validation: Enforcement of IPI for writers on song registrations
Module: Changed display text in Bulk Upload Module
Bulk: Bulk Import is now generally available
Bulk: Improved Bulk Import warning messages
Module: Bulk Import contains Bulk Import Templates
Module: Bulk Import gains ability to Download source file
Module: Bulk Import status now a CSV that can be downloaded
Module: Fixed Bulk Import Spinner when file is uploaded
Module: Delete icon grays out for contacts not eligible for deletion
Registration(s): Paused Xperi Metadata Deliveries
Module: Limited Master Recording Contact Search to Label entities only
Bulk: Bulk Upload module now ingests Bulk Contact / Bulk Works templates
Module: Removed legacy email for Xperi metadata distribution
System: Enhanced security of AWS S3 Storage
Bulk: Improvements to Bulk Work (Beta) Template. v4.5
Module: Change Master Owner error to be more descriptive
Module: Added new contributor roles to Recording Details in Sound Recording
Module: Recording Contributors can now be selected multiple times
Module: Updated tooltip for Recording Details
Module: Added Create New label to (P) Line in Recording Details
Bulk: Bulk Importer (Beta) improved ISWC error handling
Bulk: Bulk Importer (Beta) enhanced contact import process
Modules: Fixed Recording Role bug preventing SoundExchange registrations
Modules: Fixed In-line search issue resulting in incomplete results
Modules: Saves user sort selection in Catalog
Bulk: Bulk Contact Template (Beta) updated to v4.1 (extra space issue)
Bulk: Added version info to Bulk Contact Template (Beta) Instructions tab
Bulk: Fix bug with Publisher PRO not being imported
Bulk: PRO field being empty no longer voids Import
App: Removed Sideby Application
Modules: Fixed server validation error on DPID apply form
Modules: Add A New Alias text changed to Add A New Distribution Company
Modules: Add A New Alias text changed to Add a New Release Label
Modules: All year fields are now drop-down driven
Modules: In-module Add Contact Search repositioned to top of dialog
Modules: Introduced new Adding Contacts within Modules experience.
Modules: Added Contact Product Tour
Modules: Added Song / Work Product Tour
Modules: Added Recording Product Tour
Bulk: Added Notification of Bulk Work Beta to Bulk Import
Bulk: Updated Bulk Work Template (Beta) to v4.2 (songwriter role labels updated)
Bulk: Updated Bulk Work Importer (Beta) to v1.5
Validation: U.S. Recording Registrations requires primary label
x.x.x (12/24/2021)
Update to Bulk Work Importer (Beta)
Removed AARC Export
x.x.x (12/04/2021)
Switched Song Copyright in module to dropdown
x.x.x (11/26/2021)
Added ℗ symbol to Recording details module
x.x.x (11/19/2021)
Removed AcousticID from the Metadata Exchange Network
Removed AcousticID Fingerprinting
Fixed issue on Apply DPID form preventing submission
Updated email address for Rovi metadata submissions
x.x.x (11/12/2021)
Excluded SoundExchange from the Metadata registration process
U.S. Song Recording SoundExchange registration status marks Complete after delivery
x.x.x (11/5/2021)
Added collection of SoundExchange Registrant ID to configuration flow
Removed contact info requirement for self publisher songwriters
Restored connection to emailed metadata exchange network
Fixed disc number bug that prevented releases from being registered
x.x.x. (10/29/2021)
Fixed bug allowing registration of recordings without copyright owner/year
Fixed bug where withdrawing recording registrations doesn't unlock all fields
x.x.x. (10/22/2021)
Withdrew all previously submitted Releases & Recordings
Fixed display issue with Apply for DDEX Party ID form
Fixed issue where system crashed when writer contact saved without a PRO
Fixed issue where unregistered works ran via DQI process could not be deleted
x.x.x. (10/15/2021)
Enabled ability to navigate drop-downs by using keyboard
Added Add Song link within Catalog module
Change text color of Add Song within Catalog module
Added Learn More card to the MLC's DQI card in Services module
Added country code to validation engine for ISRCs
Deployed new SoundExchange Repetiore Submission feature to production
Introduced Primary label identifier to Master Recording Ownership
Introduced ability to Download DDEX messages
Copyright Owner is now a drop down prepopulated with label entities
Introduced DDEX defined music contributor roles
Introduced the ability to split Master Recording Ownership
x.x.x. (10/8/2021)
Added ability to edit / delete primary recording in the Song details module
Added Linkage icon to Primary Recording in Song details module
Positioned Primary Recording into Song Details view
Added lock to DPID field once its been used in a Recording / Release registration
Upgraded production database
Enabled ability for metadata registrations to proceed without an audio file
Added instructions text to SoundExchange configuration work-flow
Fixed display of TRSID & ISWC on registration confirmation page
x.x.x (catch-up 10/01/2021)
Introduced MLC's DQI feature to the Services section
Cleaned up Database of invalid values
Linked Song Artwork with associated Recording
Added PRO association to publisher search in Song Module
Switched default catalog view from List view to Thumbnails
Changed quick call/quick email text in contact module
Made dashboard objects clickable
Made Dashboard snapshots clickable
Limited publisher search to publishers with PROs that match the songwriter
Added real-time calculation to writer/publisher splits
Changed HFA song code text to HFA / MLC Song Code
Fixed ISNI validation bug not accepting checkchar
Fixed bug resulting in HFA song registrations not processing
Implemented new audio fingerprint technology
Updated validation to prevent non-numerical characters in IPI field
Updated validation to prevent non-alphanumerical values
Updated validation to allow BMI's 8 digit Work IDs
Infrastructure & code update
Python 3 / Django 2 Update
React/Redux update
visual regression/automation testing
General code clean up
UX update
Improved Elastic Search Index Latency
Fixed bug causing Sub-Publisher not to save
Fixed bug regarding Product Title hidden field not prompting for new additions
Removed AcousticID from registration exchanges as service is defunct
Removed Loudr from the Metadata Exchange network
Fixed bug resulting in user invites directing to sign-up page
Fixed Contact Name edits not reflecting in list view
Removed Income Participant from contributor drop-down as its an invalid type
Fixed bug resulting in U.S. Song Registration submission statuses not updating.
Updated sub-publisher tool tip
Fixed bug resulting in mixing year and master year not savings
Removed Advanced territory selection
Updated Logic for Music Reports, Harry Fox registrations
Added ability for users to delete / rescind pending user invites
Fixed display issue with adding user functionality
Fixed bug causing blank Writer Role Codes resulting in rejected registration
Fixed bug resulting in blank Rovi metadata transmissions
Fixed bug resulting in distribution company search in Release module not to work
Added HFA / MLC Song code & Work ID fields to Catalog & Admin
Restored catalog export functionality
Increased frequency of HFA Song registration deliveries
Added Services to application menu
2.1.3 (released 12/21/18)
Updated Contacts type to include Distributor
Expanded lyrics view so you can read all of the lyrics without scrolling
Updated dashboard filtering for Enterprise accounts
Updated Intercom integrations to give better insights to our customer support team
Ability to add Notes to Contacts
Ability to add Tags to Contacts
Better searching
Support for non-ascii characters in Catalog Export
Ability to edit details of a Primary Recording from a US Song Registration
Export Split Sheets from Song page
Export Label Copy from Recording page
Section locking
Can no longer delete a Contact after submitting it with a Registration
2.1.2 (released 10/30/18)
Updated recordings track list view for easier release management
Improved page breaks on registration .pdf views
Improved signup and upgrade processes
Overhauled user experience for advanced publishing
Added header navigation information to aid users when viewing nested information
Add highlighted fields to nested registration views to help users know what information is being sent with that registration
2.1.1 (released 10/18/18)
Updated Enterprise user management to show pending invites
Made it easier to identify the main catalog for Enterprise accounts
Improved plan upgrading process
Bug fixes on error states for registrations
2.1 (released 10/10/18)
Ability to filter contacts by type
Better information to the user about what information is being viewed
Improved user management for Enterprise accounts
Improved tagging functionality
New error messaging on recording metadata to ensure clean data
Easier interface for adding artwork
Fixed typeflow bug that happened when adding a new contact
2.0 (released 10/1/18)
Added Enterprise Plans
Updated Account offerings, including annual plans
Overhauled the user interface for the Catalog details pages (Song, Recording, Release) to allow users to view more information at once
Bug fixes and data flow improvements
Easier visual management of recordings from songs, and tracks from recordings
Overhauled error messaging on Registrations to guide user through each error fix one at a time
1.6.1 (released 9/21/18)
Bug Fixes
Improved navigation between pages
Added Exactuals - RAI to Metadata Registrations
Overhaul and consolidation of code to ensure it is cleaner and will be easier to integrate with future partners
Bug fixes and code updates to make sure the data we send out is as clean and consistent as possible
Sped up data loading times
1.6 (gradual rollout in August and September 2018 - since the pause in service)
Eliminate the pop-ups when editing components of a Song, Recording, or Release
Added navigation information to top of screen when editing data on a different level (e.g., editing a publisher’s details from a Song Details page.)
Removed locking of blank fields, so that registrations can be submitted in a more flexible order
Updated error messaging for more accuracy
Made it easier to delete recordings and releases
Changed information request on Song Details page to prevent registrations from getting unnecessarily rejected